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Eastern-Central-Northern Ghana Network Expansion Project

As part of its network expansion drive to serve increasing demand from clients [MNOs, ISPs, Undersea cable providers and international carriers] in the northern sector of Ghana and Burkina Faso, Vobiss plans to complete the deployment of a 1,600 km aerial fiber from Kumasi to Paga and Cenkase by end of Q4 2023.

Notable towns and cities along this route: 

  • Kumasi,Sunyani, Techiman, Kintampo, Buipe, Tamale, Bolgatanga,Bawku and Cenkase

  • Kumasi, Techiman,Wenchi, Bamboo,Bole, Sawla,Wa,Tumu,Navrongo,Paga,Bolgatanga

This project also involves connecting Greater Accra, Volta and Central region to Eastern and Ashanti Region Network through alternative routes thus enabling Vobiss to build east resilience across its network in Ghana.

Notable cities and towns along this path:
• Accra-Tema-Aflao-Ho-Akosombo-Koforidua
• Cape Coast-Assin Fosu-Akim Oda-Swedru-Asamankese-Suhum

1. Digital Infrastructure Ventures [Joint Venture between Airteltigo & Digital Ventures


Government of Ghana (GoG) Free Public University Wifi and ECG Fibre Expansion Project

For this project, Vobiss deployed over 700 km of aerial fiber optic cable as backhauls to the 13 public
Universities and to related ECG substations, districts and customer service centers within ECG’s operational areas to create a robust and resilient WAN for ECG.

The project also deployed over 10,000 Wi-Fi Access
points and associated network routing devices across
the 13 University campuses to provide students with
internet access.

Vobiss Solutions Ltd
Vobiss Solutions Ltd

Assignment name: Government of Ghana (GoG) Free Wifi Project for High Schools, Public Libraries, Colleges of Education

Vobiss implemented terrestrial Leased service of 5.2Gbps IP/MPLS connectivity of the listed routes in the table above via Vobiss Terrestrial DWDM/IP/MPLS Backbone and metro fibre network in Ghana for 135 institutions using Fiber Optic Infrastructure.

Last Mile Access (Fibre Optics) 135 -SHS, Colleges of Education and Educational Offices, and Public Libraries (Ashanti, Central, Easter, Greater Accra & Western Regions of Ghana)

Vobiss Solutions Ltd

Northern Lagos Open Access Network

In 2020, Vobiss through its Nigerian subsidiary, Vobissgridworx Nigeria Limited, entered a strategic technical partnership with Fibreworld, a licensed telecommunications Infrastructure company in Nigeria.

The goal of this partnership was to establish an open access network within the areas of Magodo, Shangisha, Omole Estate, and Alausa in Lagos State, covering a 70km radius.

Vobiss was responsible for the funding, deployment, and operations of the network. The network is now fully operational and offers wholesale services, on an open-access basis for all internet and data service providers operating within its footprint.

IHS Fibre to the Tower 

In 2023, Vobiss Gridworx, a subsidiary of Vobiss Solutions, entered into a Master Service Agreement with Global Independent Connect Limited (GICL), which is a subsidiary of IHS Towers. This agreement involved Vobiss providing fiber to the tower (FTTT) solutions for IHS Towers.

To date, VGN has successfully completed over 120 fiber-to-the-tower deployments.

By the end of 2023, Vobiss plans to have deployed optical fiber to more than 600 IHS towers.


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+233 303-976167  / +233 209-577270

27 Abokobi Close, East Cantonments, Accra Ghana

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